Navigating Web Sites Through Screen Readers

When you visit any website with a screen reader, it will read the entire web page automatically until it is not interrupted. But screen readers users rarely allow the screen reader to read the entire page and use landmarks and headings to explore the page. A screen reader user may find a landmark, heading, or other element of interest and read from that point on in the web page. Screen reader users may also choose to read a web page line by line or sentence by sentence.


Method 1

Read continuously from this point


Screen Reader & Browser            Command

JAWS with Chrome: Insert + Down Arrow

NVDA with Firefox, Chrome: Insert + Down Arrow or Numpad Plus


Method 2

Read next or previous line


Screen Reader & Browser            Command

JAWS with Chrome: Next: Down Arrow

Previous: Up Arrow

NVDA with Firefox, Chrome: Next: Down Arrow

Previous: Up Arrow


Method 3

Read next or previous sentence

Screen Reader & Browser            Command

JAWS with Chrome: Next: Alt + Down Arrow

Previous: Alt + Up Arrow

NVDA with Firefox, Chrome: Next: Alt + Down Arrow

Previous: Alt + Up Arrow

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Freelance Certified Web Accessibility Specialists