Web Accessibility Is Not a Short-Term Project

There will always be people with disabilities, so accessibility is not going away. Therefore web accessibility is not a temporary but a permanent task for web developers/designers.


Web Accessibility needs to be part of the procedure from start to finish, including:

  • Business requirements
  • Design requirements
  • Q-A requirements and test cases
  • Ongoing training for current employees
  • Software to detect accessibility errors


The business Owners should promise accessibility

Support from the CEO and other seniors within the office, is very helpful in setting accessibility standards. As we all know incomplete approach will always produce incomplete results.


Hire Accessibility Experts:

Appoint people who specialize in accessibility, and give them enough authority within the office to make specific changes. Allow them do what is required to make the company answerable for producing accessible results. Make sure there are people with strong technical knowledge of accessibility within the office.


Appointing disable people can be immensely useful

Working with people with various abilities and disabilities is much easier to understand why accessibility is important and what their requirements are exactly.

Hiring people with disabilities needs a combined effort in the HR process. Usually people with disabilities face many problems throughout their lives, so it is easy to supposed weaknesses in their qualifications. Those weaknesses may be real but may not be their fault. Systematic judgment plays a key role in suppressing the potential of people with disabilities. Be prepared to commit to inclusive hiring practices as a long-term strategy.



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Freelance Certified Web Accessibility Specialists