10 BASICS WEB ACCESSIBILITY TIPS1. Use meaningful title attributes 2. Keep important interactive elements higher up the web page 3. Don’t begin title attributes with the same text 4. Use headings properly 5. Use different and meaningful page titles 6. Use skip navigation 7. Label your form elements 8. Test your web pages with CSS and JavaScript disabled 9. “See” what it’s like to use assistive technologies 10. Web accessibility is not about creating dull or boring website, it simply provide equal experience to all the users.

  1. Use meaningful title attributes
  2. Keep important interactive elements higher up the web page
  3. Don’t begin title attributes with the same text
  4. Use headings properly
  5. Use different and meaningful page titles
  6. Use skip navigation
  7. Label your form elements
  8. Test your web pages with CSS and JavaScript disabled
  9. “See” what it’s like to use assistive technologies
  10. Web accessibility is not about creating dull or boring website, it simply provide equal experience to all the users.



About admin

Freelance Certified Web Accessibility Specialists